Saturday, March 1, 2008

Just an Update


It's been a while since my last post, I have had some connectivity issues at the apartment.

We can tell that the trip is getting closer, we have started fund raisers and have had the opportunity to meet with a couple of people in the past week and talk about the trip.

The Hudson Fundraiser went very well and I want to thank everyone for coming out, and a lot of thanks to everyone that helped us out with it. We had about 40 come out and support us and that is very encouraging.

The other day we went to an event featuring Rev. Fannah T. Tartieh the District Superintendent of the Grand Gedah District in Liberia. We were able to talk to him for a few minutes and he told stories and showed pictures of his work in the rural areas of Liberia. If I am lucky I may see him when while in Liberia this summer.

Last night Tricia and I had dinner with Paul Black, the Director of Communications for the Illinos Great Rivers Conference. Keep an eye on his site for a story about our trip and the work in Liberia.

We have another fund raiser in Mansfield tomorrow night and I hope to see a lot of you there. If you need information about the the event give me or Tricia a call.

Thanks for reading and I will try to post more regularly in the future.

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