Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Finally! Since we've come home, we have had an easier time posting and uploading pictures. So, if you click on the following link, you will be able to see just a little bit of our hundreds of pictures.

Hope Kids

These pictures are mostly of the students at Hope for the Deaf School. Hopefully they will give you the first glimpse of the faces and the friends that we have gained from living in Liberia for the summer. Going through these pictures bring up so many memories, I wish we could share them all. I am going to try to focus on one or two pictures in the future and expand on what those pictures mean and the story behind them, to give you an even deeper glimpse into life in Liberia.

In the mean time, enjoy the first set of pictures from Liberia.

Friday, August 15, 2008


After we got home I spent some time searching for other people who may have blogs about Liberia or time that they spent there. I discovered one in particular that caught my attention. The author has written a lot on Liberia if you want more information than we can give from our time there. She also has a lot of handy links to even more information.

If you scroll down the main page you will find a posting about the Truth and Reconiliation Commission and the job they are doing. I took the time to share my impressions from the Liberian people in comparison to the notes that she takes from a report by Amnesty International. The mood: disappointed. You can find all of that right here.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Updates on Blog

Hello everyone!
We are settling into life back home and are getting ready to move, start a new job, and start law school, so we are keeping busy. We did our first trip presentation at our home church in Hudson. We will be doing more in the next couple of months. We would like to keep the blog going for now. We will post pictures and stories from the trip. It will be much easier now that we are home. So, enjoy the stories, and if you have any questions, let us know!


Friday, August 1, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Hello everyone. We just wanted to write and let you know that we made it home safe and sound. The traveling was long (almost 30 straight hours) but went smoothly.

We have to adjust a little bit to being home. Drinks with ice are almost too cold for our teeth (AC is almost too cold as well, we almost needed a blanket in the coffee shop last night). And we forget sometimes that the electricity isn't going to be turned off.

We have taken a couple of days off to regroup and are spending the next couple of weeks traveling around IL visiting with family and friends so give us a call.

Our first formal presentation about the trip will be at the Hudson UMC in Hudson, IL on August 10th.

Okay, I guess that's all for now.